Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Jon and Ann-Marie.

We hopped into the car after seeing the venue, and I popped the question. "So how did you meet?" Ann-Marie paused for a couple seconds. Collected her thoughts. And, she told me her story (and I guess it's Jon's story too). Working nights at a hospital in Indianapolis, all the nurses became friends. And, not much time was left for socializing after working long and awkward hours.

Then came Jon. They met via the medium which over 10-15% of married couples meet. But, when it came time for him to come visit Ann-Marie and her family, Ann-marie wasn't so sure this relationship would last. She'd planned the "I don't think this is going to work" speech.

Months later, as they were walking around town. Jon was sharing a story that he wrote. At different places, he would read different sections. As they entered into a church, he concluded the story. The main character proposed, and so did Jon.

Their life now is proof that the so-called speech a)never came out of her mouth, or b)had no bearing on the relationship. Now, they are happily wedded, and quite a fabulous couple.

It's neat for me to have witnessed the friendship between me and Ann-marie's sister that started so long ago. Through the years, my sister's friendship with Ann-marie has grown too. Today we are the quadfecta (doesn't quite have the same effect as trifecta does it?) of sisterly friends. And, I couldn't be any more joyful for her. Happy wedded life, dear friend.

Starting the day off right.

The black dress mafia.

The men doing heavens knows what.

Of course Jon had to show off his mad "dipping" skills.

He's just so white-and-nerdy. In fact, he might have done a dance to it in a shirt that said "Overly Caucasian."

Happy Tuesday!

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