Hello, There.

Well, you've found me. I don't know whether to tell you to run for your life, or sit back, grab a cup of something warm and yummy, and enjoy.

I think maybe the second option is preferred.

I'm a college student majoring in Industrial Engineering. Nerdy, for sure. But, when I choose not to study (which is all too frequently), I bake and photograph. I love doing it. And, I love the people I meet while I'm at it. 

Did I mention that I just married the best man on God's green earth? Because I did, and it's been such an adventure.

Have your hot beverage now? Good. Then, let's start talking about life.

Oh, and before you start reading, you should probably know a little bit more about me. 

So, here is some of the stuff I like burlap.God.running.music.coffee.outdoors.studying.photography.

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