Monday, November 29, 2010

Raining on My Own Parade.

I know what you all think this post is going to be about. If you follow me on Twitter or dare to be my friend on Facebook, you have seen my recent posts about NYU. Yes, it is true, I got a huge envelop in the mail today telling me I have been accepted. To be honest, I applied because I thought "hey, why not?" None the less, I have been accepted and given a scholarship (it barely makes a dent in the tuition...)

But, I am not going to continue to talk about that experience. What really struck me today was that I go through life chalking up accomplishments in my name. Of course, the reason I can even apply to NYU is because I've worked hard in high school (yeah, right...). No, quite the opposite. I don't know who on God's green earth looked at my application, but they were most definitely smoking something.

Apart from my creator, I would not have been created. To pretend like my life is made possible because of me is foolish. For Pete's sake, God could zap me out of this life in a jiff. I am going to rain on my self-centered parade and get a grip.

Nothing I do is because of me. It is because I have a God who has the audacity to love me. It's crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I'm floored by how self-centered I am. I think that my whole life is about me, and forgetting that the only reason I have breath is to glorify God.

    I have this quote written in my journal.

    "We will have all eternity to celebrate the victories, and only a few short hours before sunset to win them." Amy Carmichael

    Like you said, if we were to die today, looking back, what would we have accomplished? Seemingly a whole lot for ourselves, but in actuality, a lot of eternally worthless self-centered junk.

    I'm with you, Erika! Striving to remember that our lives aren't about us, and constantly humbled because God loves us despite of it all.
